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Through dance workshops and performances within schools and the community we aim to develop an awareness of the traditional and cultural ethos of India which will reduce any negativity or prejudice and develop an understanding of the world we live in.

The participants are offered an experience that will enhance their self esteem, confidence, knowledge, team spirit and mutual respect which in turn will help break down cultural barriers and encourage racial harmony.

Pushpanjali Dance Company offers school workshops that provide students and teachers an opportunity to experience and enjoy various dance forms of India which enhances an appreciation and awareness of other cultures and dance forms.

“tell me and I will forget
  Show me and I might remember
But make me do it
And I will certainly understand”

old Chinese proverb

Workshop Details:

With over fifteen years of experience in dance and education our   workshops are  tailor made to fit in with the curriculum and suit your requirements with themes such as:

‘India Days’ and ‘Multi Cultural Week’ - Students will be taught dances from different regions of India as part of the geography curriculum which will enhance their knowledge of Indian art and culture.

Hinduism- Students will learn about various aspects of Hindu traditions and rituals offering them a better understanding of Hindu culture .

Religious Studies - Children will learn about the story of ‘Rama and Sita’ and the significance of ‘Diwali’ and other Indian festivals as well as stories of various Indian Gods and Goddesses.

Creative projects - We work in partnership with schools on projects enhancing students’ creativity.

School and Christmas productions - Artists from the company could plan, choreograph and train students for dance productions.

Natya Aerobics – Students are engaged in a fun filled ‘dance and fitness’ workout using energetic and exciting dance routines that are a fusion of movements from different genres such as Indian classical, folk, modern, hip-hop, bollywood and yoga.

These unique dance routines are suitable for all ages and abilities and are guaranteed to get your body moving, heart racing and feet tapping.

Benefits of Natya Aerobics:
• -Improves overall fitness
• -Improves stamina
• -Improves coordination
• -Improves concentration
• -Improves muscle tone
• -Improves flexibility
• -Strengthens muscles

Our workshops are designed to suit all age groups including:

• Foundation & Early years
• Reception
• Key stages 1 to 4
• GCSE, A-Level and B-tech Dance

We offer:

• Half day workshops which consists of either 2 or 3 sessions, each  session lasting between 50 minutes and an hour (for schools  based within 50 miles radius)
• Full day workshops which consists of either 4 or 5 sessions, each session lasting between 50 minutes and an hour
• One week residencies
• INSET  Training courses
• Schools projects 
• Dance Choreography
• Christmas productions 

Schools Projects:

Some of the Schools projects that Prajyoti has been involved in are:

Forests of India-   A two week residency project with Cheshire rural touring mini network, offering story telling workshops in 10 primary schools  narrating ‘Animals Stories’ especially for Early years, Foundation years and key stage 1 children.

Tsunami-A partnership project with Fallibroome High School and 5 feeder primary schools    involving 60 students during their Arts Week in Feb 2006, where I created and choreographed a dance production to show the effects of the Tsunami and the strength the victims gained from the world and from within to rebuild their lives.

“Oldham Festival of Tolerance”- A dance project involving many Oldham High schools highlighting integration done in partnership with Integrate Arts.

• Research was conducted in two primary schools in partnership with Artists in Schools to see the benefits of Indian Dance and storytelling on the reading, writing and narrative skills of children in Key Stage 1.

• Students of A - Level at Poynton High School did a course in Bharatanatyam which gave them a better understanding of this Dance form, and helped them to improve their choreography and creativity.

• Indian dance and music were used at Mytham Primary School to help children of Key Stage 2 to understand the effects of the Tsunami.

• Manchester Music Services and Pushpanjali did the Ramayan Project with Lady Barn Primary School, which was then showcased at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester

• Dance and Wellbeing Project: Prajyoti conducted dance workshops at Salford University for the  ‘Health & Wellbeing Expo’.  
•  Enrichment Project, in partnership with Artists in Schools and “St. Simon and St. Jude’s Primary School”


Bharatanatyam which is an acronym composed of the first letters of bhava meaning   expression, raga meaning melody, tala meaning rhythm and natyam meaning dance is an ancient and traditional classical dance form which originated more than 3000 years ago in the temples of southern India. The essence of these dances lies within traditions and mythology where stories of Indian Gods and Goddesses are brought to life through the narrative element of storytelling using beautiful hand gestures and facial expressions. 


Bhangra is a lively and energetic folk dance that originated in State of Punjab in the North of India. Punjab which means the ‘Land of Five Rivers’ is the cradle of the Indus Valley civilisation and is more than 4000 years old. Due to Punjab’s rich and fertile agricultural land, it has been invaded over the years by Persians, Greeks and Mughal empires. Punjab is called the ‘Granary of India’ and India’s Bread Basket’ since two-third of the food grains procured annually in the country is grown in this State. 

Garbha and Dhandia

Garbha is a folk dance from the State of Gujarat. Traditionally this dance is performed either around a clay lantern with a lamp inside it called the Garbha Deep or an image of Goddess Durga as an object of veneration.  The lantern represents life and Goddess Durga, the feminine form of divinity. Garbha is celebrated during the festival of Navaratri, which lasts for nine days. This dance is one of the most popular folk dances performed not just in India but all over the world.  


Bollywood is the Indian film industry based in Mumbai. Bollywood produces the maximum number of movies in the world per year. Most of the movies are musicals with lots of songs and dances. Danny Boyle’s award winning movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical ‘Bombay Dreams’ have popularised bollywood dances not just in the UK but all over the world. Bollywood dances are enjoyed by people of all ages as they are fast paced, entertaining and exciting. Bollywood dances are usually choreographed to suit the theme and music of the movies which offer choreographers an opportunity to explore their creativity and imagination. The dances do not adhere to any particular style or genre but are a fusion of various dance styles from all over the world be it classical, folk, tap, modern hip hop or jazz. This is a dance style that is enjoyed by all communities where the dances have a combination of classical, folk, modern and hip hop styles that are fused together to create exciting and entertaining dances.


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